Thursday, December 2, 2010

Professors that can't teach

Some ppl can either teach or they cant. If u get bad reviews evy yr n nobody nos wat the hell ur talking about, don't u think its time u find a new profession. I mean y put students who bust there butts 4 ur class n pay god nos how much for tuition a yr the heart ache of failing a class wen its obvious that u cant teach... quit while ur not a head. How is it wen u explain something students end up more confused then wen they started. Please don't do us any favors by "teaching" us. No one is benefiting from it... except u but ur a nurse there are plenty of other jobs, cuz teaching is not 4 u... If u didn't no b4 u no now... Idk if u guys have professors like that? If u do leave a comment...

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