Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Money for skool

OK so i didnt get any help from the government or watevr 2 pay for skool, i thought that my parents made 2 much money, but u no wat i found out 2day that evybody in that office at skool is retarded they jus found out that i made n error filling out the form. I went up there like 4 TIMES N NOBODY CAUGHT MY MISTAKE.... WAT AM I PAYING OVER $20,000 A YR FOR? I feel better now lol but i mean really wat r they there for...
I also jus paid like a small fortune for books n they not even new and some of them i wont even own im jus borrowing them...I will be broke for the next like 2wks fml... Hence this is the life of a college student...

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