Thursday, July 29, 2010


Ok i been wanting a laptop for a while and im coming up on the the day where I have enough money to get one right.So now the big problem is deciding which one 2 get. They all have things that i like about them but the question is which one would be the best 4 me? I'm a college student so i have to take into consideration skool work,weight,accessories n it also has 2 keep me enertained. I dont wanna buy then regret it you no. So the ones im thinking about r the macbook, Dell or n hp. Those are the most popular at least to me... So the mac is the most expensive but there r not many viruses but i would have 2 get less accessories n i can use it 4 skool. The dell i can get alot of accessories n but there r viruses n i can use it 4 skool. Finally the hp is jus in the running cuz it was the third thing i thought i havent really looked in to it but maybe i should. So wat do u guys think or wat do ya use? Hit me up n tell me about it...

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