Saturday, July 31, 2010

chuckie cheese

I no its where a kid can be a kid but personally i find it to be like the most fun lol...I went there yesturday 4 like my lil cousins bday with my family, one of my best friends n her boyfriend...I ate mad pizza, won some tickets, had some weird moments but all in all alot of laughs...So my question is how old is too old 4 chuckie cheese lol? Maybe i should try david n busters too since i heard its like the grown up version...Maybe I'll go there for my bday next month...wat ya think?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I wanted 2 say thanx 2 one follower lol... I hope u r the first of many to come :-)


Ok i been wanting a laptop for a while and im coming up on the the day where I have enough money to get one right.So now the big problem is deciding which one 2 get. They all have things that i like about them but the question is which one would be the best 4 me? I'm a college student so i have to take into consideration skool work,weight,accessories n it also has 2 keep me enertained. I dont wanna buy then regret it you no. So the ones im thinking about r the macbook, Dell or n hp. Those are the most popular at least to me... So the mac is the most expensive but there r not many viruses but i would have 2 get less accessories n i can use it 4 skool. The dell i can get alot of accessories n but there r viruses n i can use it 4 skool. Finally the hp is jus in the running cuz it was the third thing i thought i havent really looked in to it but maybe i should. So wat do u guys think or wat do ya use? Hit me up n tell me about it...

Monday, July 26, 2010

So i decided 2 to a topic each wk n talk about it n c ur veiws on it since my thoughts have been all ova... So wat ya think? Yes,no, maybe so...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Im a lil confused... y does my mom want me 2 have a boyfriend more than i do my own self...i swear the only reason im in college 2 her is 2 find a man lmfao...

Monday, July 19, 2010

My life is changing.I'm becoming into my own after all these yrs of being a teen i finally no wat it is to find myself. I hope happiness comes along 4 da ride.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The road to see Eclipse

So Wednesday i went to see the new twilight series movie eclipse and you would not believe the trouble i had. First of all i had to wake up mad early right only to then find out we weren't gonna leave that early. So i went back to sleep right, i wake and realize that i only have 30 mins to get ready im wtf... So i finally hop in my car already like 10 mins late only to realize my friend has txted me asking me to bring tampons. So i rush back into the house get the tampons rush back. I'm finally on the road an notice my friends whole street is blocked becuz they're fixing the road so i go around the corner from her house an park at the library. I walk over to her house where she realizes that she doesnt have any change for  the bus. So she has to pay her brother for his change. So we're finally out the door i decide that im hungry,so we walk to the store to get breakfast. When we walk in we see a lady with her 5 kids standing there,so im like ok whatever right. She starts asking all of them what they want one at a time taking mad long. Each kid takes for eva to decide and then when they finally do decide she can't hear what the hell they''re saying. My friend and i are like wtf she taking mad long and in the end they all wound up getting the same thing. So i finally get my order in and we get our food mad fast cuz i think the guy working  there has a crush on us idk.
All this time my other friend has been on both me and my other friends ass about showing up to the theater to see the 12 pm movie. We get on the bus which came mad fast and we get to the terminal to tranfer to the other bus to get to the theater.She stays txting us are  you guys there yet? whats taking ya so long? Only to find out that they playing the movie every like 30 mins. So we're like dude chill right we can always go catch the one at 12:30. So we get there around 11:40 and we're like rushing to the theater. When we get there we're like where are you? You know cuz she was like rushing us. She goes im leaving home now we're like wtf  you had us thinking you were already here. She lives like an hour away, so my other friend goes off on her. Shes like you guys dont have to wait for me i can see it another day. We're like we said we were gonna see it together an we are. So we sit in mcdonalds for like an hour and people watch till she gets there. We rush to the theater to try to get a ticket to the 1:30 show only to find out that its sold out the next showing is at 3pm. We're like wth we look at our friend and say this is all your fault. So 2:40 roles around and we go back to the theater to get good seats. I see my cuzzin there who took off of work jus to go see this movie wit his girlfriend.
I honestly did not know when the movie began lol. I was waiting for this great seen that neva came. I sat there the whole time cracking jokes with the kid next to me and my friend sitting next to me. I am honestly over the whole twilight drama. I realized that their love is so selfish not caring about anybody but themselves it doesnt matter who gets hurt in the process... Idk thats my opinion what do ya think?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jobs r there any out there?

Job!!! The number one thing i need this summer that i cant find. I filed everywhere hoping that they would call me back but no such luck... My boss now is like playing wit my mind. She gives me work then takes it back. I tried applying online but i dont think those ever work. Do they? I dont wanna work at a fast food place not that i have anything against them its jus that i want something related to my major nursing. Its so hard to find a job related to that without any sort of training wats so ever. I was thinking of getting the certified nursing assistants course but its gonna interfer with my classes in september. What is a girl to do?